Arguments For/Against Spiritual Uses of Cannabis in Christianity?


Accepted answer

There is no Biblical argument for any food or drink of any type to 'aid in spiritual connection with God' or in 'developing a deeper understanding of his Word'. However, as you already noticed, the Bible does oppose drinking too much alcohol.

9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? ... nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Cor 6:9–10)

Alcohol is an interesting subject because it shows that the Bible is not unreasonable or defensive. On one hand, it assigns the destination of hell for all drunkards, yet a little wine it does not condemn. It is natural therefore that there is no need to concern ourselves with this controversial debate among some scholars, whether there was some Cannabis in the Holy Oil, or whether there was not. It has no bearing on real life.

The Holy Oil was simply used for anointing physical things in the temple services. The oil was not smoked; it was just dabbed on the utensils used in the service. It was not even allowed to be put "on men’s bodies". It was also commanded that they "do not make any oil with the same formula." (Exodus 30:32) So actually, if there was some Cannabis in the oil, the only bearing it would have on life in ancient Palestine, is that it would prevented a wider use of Cannabis.

The point here is that there is no evidence Cannabis was ever used in a manner that would have any effect on the mental state of the Hebrew worshipper. If it did, the Bible would condemn it just as excessive alcohol was condemned.

The Bible looks on the subject with pity, rather than with anything else. Basically the Bible say's one is to be pitied, if one allows mind-altering drugs to make them into a lazy fool.

20 Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, 21 for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags. (Proverbs 23:20–21, NIV)

Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise. (Proverbs 20:1, NIV)


I belong to a church where we actively use Cannabis as a sacred plant that allows for a deeper understanding of ourselves and god. It has opened my own understanding of scripture and given me an insight into deeper feelings of being one with God, therefore we consider the plant an entheogen not an "allucinogen".

I believe Cannabis is an incarnated spirit of consolation, a gift from God. It is such a pity that it is prosecuted by the laws of (most parts of) this world. I have faith it will be eventually freed from this prohibition.

That said, it is a powerful plant that needs to be treated with respect. Always consacrate its use to God and use it for meditation, prayer or selfless service. In this way it will bring you inspiration and clarity of thought. If you use it all the time or in an inappropriate setting, you will not obtain the benefits but rather experience suffering, either by reduced energy, cloudy thinking and even axiety.


While there is little debate that the ancient Hebrews had access to cannabis, whether it was used is something which is very much subject to debate. The LXX suggests that it was cannabis, while the most reliable Hebrew documents say calamus (which is an entirely separate species), other sources identify that Hebrew word with yet another plant from the ancient Near East.

As to whether it is an aid to relationship with God, well, here is another question: is there ever a time where a like action is recommended to a believer (in scripture or in Tradition)? Alcohol is recommended for an upset stomach, but not only is excess alcohol condemned, but it is also something which the Nazerites (you know, like Sampson) were forbidden from consuming and it was expressly forbidden from those who would go an worship at the tent of meeting in Lev. 10.

And, as a side note, my understanding is that cannabis is actually very effective at prohibiting the intellect and dulling the whit. I find it very doubtful that it would lead to a clearer understanding of a passage than, say, fasting and meditating.

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