Where can I find Julia Smith's translation of the Septuagint?


Where can I find Julia Smith's translation of the Septuagint?

I was wondering if her translation of the Septuagint has survived. If so, where can I find it?

Since the published or printed book only contains the translation of the original Hebrew for its Old Testament, the only place to find the others, based on the Septuagint and the Vulgate, is the location of their original manuscripts; in this particular case:

13 This LXX, currently held by the Connecticut Historical Society, consists of 268 numbered, undated booklets. On 30 April 1846, Julia noted at the end of booklet 133 (Job), Wrote the bible from the Septuagint as far as thru the 30th chapter of Job in one year.

Athalya Brenner-Idan, A Feminist Companion to the Bible: Prophets and Daniel, footnote to page 267.


On the Textus Receptus website, Julia Smith's translation is listed on the right hand side column underneath Green's Literal Version.

So, you can look up any verse of the Old or New Testament and see that verse as Smith translated it.

The full text can also be read on Biblehub

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