May a priest say Mass for himself?
The short answer is yes.
There is nothing forbidding such a thing. Personally, I would recommend this. Priests must sanctify themselves and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is, as Pope St. Paul VI said, the Mass is the apex of our faith. Priests may say the Mass intention for themselves.
There is nothing to prevent a priest from offering a Mass for himself at the request of one of the faithful.
I am presuming that the priest in question is saying the Ordinary Form of the Mass. Nevertheless, I would like to enforce this possibility with an example taken from the missal of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.
In the Tridentine Rite, priest are permitted to added prayers (collects) to the Mass they say each day for various reasons and/or occasions that may arise here and there. For example a priest may add the collects for the time of pestilence to the Mass he is saying, regardless if it is a Feast Day or not. One of the collects a priest may add to his Mass is For the Priest Himself (Missae Pro Seipso Sacerdote)!
The following example of several collects of the Mass, including the Missae Pro Seipso Sacerdote prayers can been seen on page 463.
In other words, John, go for it! It is totally permitted in either Rite.