Does any church follow the Apostolic Tradition of Baptism ‘in the nude’, or was that never the tradition?


Accepted answer

I think the deaconess assumption is unsound and contradicted:

14He shall then baptize each of them once, laying his hand upon each of their  heads. 15Then he shall ask, "Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was  born of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, who was crucified under Pontius Pilate, and died, and rose on the third day living from the dead, and ascended into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of the Father, the one coming to judge the living and the dead?" 

16When each has answered, "I believe," he shall baptize a second time. 17Then he shall ask, "Do you believe in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Church and the resurrection of the flesh?" 18Then each being baptized shall answer, "I believe." And thus let him baptize the third time.

Now, it could just be translation (and a lack of a gender-neutral single pronoun), but that is a lot of "he". It continues in the same tone for quite some time. Note that is also seems to describe all the participants present at once, not individually.

There is nothing improper in this nakedness. It is not associated with any indecent act, humiliation, or lack of basic needs.

Also keep in mind: this is ancient Rome. Their views on nudity could be quite different from yours.


There is plenty of early Christian Art which clearly displays both Jesus and the early Christians as baptizing people nude.Also, in the history or Christianity, there are scattered instances of nude baptism, among the Adamites and Anabaptist groups. Perhaps this is one reason that the Anabaptists were so severely persecuted for their adoption of adult or believer's baptism? Then there are the histories of Quakers and Doukhober's, two offspring Christian groups who practiced going "naked as a sign". So there are both artifacts and historical evidence that the followers of Jesus practiced nude baptism as the norm, and as a means of genuine spiritual protest.


I'm not aware of any mainstream churches that baptize adults while they are nude, though when I lived in Mexico the churches often didn't have facilities to perform baptisms in the church and would have these ceremonies at the river. When this occurred the men and boys often wore only a pair of brief shorts. This, of course, was hardly nude baptism. In the Reformation, on the other hand, one of the complaints against the Anabaptists was that they only baptized adults. At the time all baptisms were done in the nude, but usually these were infant baptisms. The Anabaptists, on the other hand, were baptizing adults, men and women both, and these baptisms were initially done as they had always been done--naked.

Anabaptist River Baptism engraving by James Granger


I've noticed that the question was published a lot of years ago, but still wanted to share that there are Orthodox Icons that depict Jesus Christ being Baptised naked.

Icon of Theophany or Epiphany.

Also in Greece, among some priests, there is still the Tradition (it was kept Patristicaly) of baptising the adults totally naked. As it was explained by a Theologist, in Ancient Church when women were to receive the Baptism, they had deaconesses which would participate at the Baptism and help. Nowadays there are no Deaconesses, so the Priest provides the Baptism with the help of a Godmother, that will be in charge of spreading oil in the baptised's body, before the thrice-immersion, and also will help cleaning all the body, after the immersion. This was closed to other people, only the priest and deacon/deaconess could be present.


Baptism in the early church was modeled after the Mikvah immersions of Judaism. The Mikvahs were done in the nude. I believe that the baptism of John the Baptist was very similar to the Mikvah immersions. The difference was that (1) All people now had to immersed (not just proselytes to Judaism), (2) this immersion was in the nude and was an initiation into the Kingdom of God. (3) The early church carried on nude baptism till about the fourth century AD (4) Public baths were in the major cities, and there was a different idea about nudity than the West has. (5) Luther accepted the nude immersion baptism of the Saxons, The Orthodox church still baptizes in the nude (mostly children. adults generally wear bathing suits). At Epiphany each year, many Russians rededicate their lives and affirm their original baptism. Many of these people are nude, and some do wear bathing suits. Some Christian Naturist churches have nude baptism today. I believe it is a viable option for the modern church, as it reenacts the rebirth of a person to the Kingdom of God in a very powerful way.

(Personal note: I am not a naturist. As an ordained minister with an M.Div. degree, I have studied baptism for many years. These are my conclusions. God bless you.)



[2] Lauren Markoe, "What is the Mikva all about?", WASHINGTON POST.

[3], "Did people understand John the Baptist saying "Repent and be baptized"? "

[4] Maimonides, "Three requirements for converts to Judaism: Circumcision, baptism in living water, and sacrifice."

[5] George E.Rice,"Baptism in the Early Church", WWW.MINISTRYMAGAZNE.ORG .

[6] "Baths and bathing as an ancient Roman", ;

[7] Roy Bowen Ward, "Women in Roman Baths", .

[8] John T. Christian, THE BAPTISTS.


[10]Ellen Barry, "Russians Strengthen their Faith and Tradition with an Icy Water Plunge",



This is an old question, but I'll answer anyway. The Orthodox Christian Church baptizes in the nude because most baptisms are performed on very young (less than 1 year old) babies. The children are nude and fully immersed. The service is pretty much exactly as you'd see in Hippolytus. Adults who are baptized are permitted to wear a robe or bathing suit for the sake of modesty.

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