Why do saints perform fewer miracles over time?


Accepted answer

Rome sometimes publishes the miracle accepted for a canonization, but not always. Who knows how many Rome looked at? Besides that there is no data bank for gathering claims of miracles. Lourdes is an exception and all claims are investigated by a board of doctors.

Here is a list of approved miracles of Lourdes. Almost 7,000 cures have been documented at the waters of Lourdes. The Church has vigorously investigated and validated a mere 67 of them.


Miracles are usually performed to further the glorification of God and aid in the conversion of protestants and atheists to Catholicism. Canonization, is merely a process of RECOGNITION that a person is in Heaven. Many are saints but are not recognized. Saints who are recognized are remarkable outstanding people that affected many people or that many people witnessed. Therefore, if that person who worshiped God was proven to be in heaven, that would mean that their lives should be used as an example for others. That is why the canonization is so important for the greater glorification of God.

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