Is there a good example of believers seeking out advice from other believers in the Bible, especially one that is a story children would understand?


Accepted answer

I would offer 1 Samuel also, but specifically 1 Sam 3:1-10 in which Samuel as a child receives advice from Eli on responding to God's call.


I like the story of Saul seeking out the Witch of Endor from 1 Samuel 28.

Saul had become desperate to hear the wisdom that God would offer him, but the Lord had long since stopped talking to Saul. So Saul broke the law and sought out a medium to summon Samuel for him.

The story shows that you cannot only accept Godly wisdom when you think you need it. A good Christian would strive to learn new wisdom daily and consult the Lord and other, wiser Christians on every issue.


I can think of a few other ones not named so far.

Exodus 18 New King James Version (NKJV) Jethro’s Advice

Acts 8:26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch comes to mind.


The simplest (or at least to my mind most obvious) illustration of this point is that of Jesus himself. When he was 12, he famously ditched his parents and went to the temple.

Luke (2:46) records a little detail that I think makes all the difference:

After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.

This is God, asking the priests questions. If He can do that, I feel very comfortable following his example.

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