Who signed the 1982 Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics?


Accepted answer

I emailed [email protected] (owner/source of articles from OP) asking for signatures and this is the response

List of Signatures for the ICBI Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics, 1982 (The typed list found in the collection was incomplete. This list was compiled by Lolana Thompson, and might contain errors due to illegible writing, typographical errors, or omissions. 3/25/2009)

  • Allen, Ronald B.
  • Archer, Gleason L.
  • Barker, Kenneth L.
  • Beck, W. David
  • Bell, W. [William] E., Jr.
  • Boice, James M.
  • Borror, James A.
  • Bradley, Walter L.
  • Capper, LeRoy S.
  • Caster, Dick
  • Clowney, Edmund P.
  • Clutter, Ronald T.
  • Congdon, James R.
  • Corduan, Winifred
  • Davis, John J.
  • Dayton, Wilber T.
  • DeVries, Robert K.
  • Dockery, David S.
  • Douglass, David R.
  • Drescher, Charles Daniel
  • Ecklebarger, Kermit A.
  • Erickson. Millard
  • Feinberg, Charles Lee
  • Feinberg, John S.
  • Feinberg, Paul D.
  • Gardner, Lynn
  • Geisler, Norman L.
  • Grimstead, Jay
  • Grudem, Wayne A.
  • Gruenler, Royce G.
  • Gundry, Stanley N.
  • Hanna, Mark M.
  • Hare, George W.
  • Helm, Paul
  • Henry, Carl F. H.
  • Hesselgrave, David J.
  • Hoehner, Harold W.
  • Hoke, Donald E.
  • Hoyt, Karen
  • Inch, Morris
  • Jenson, Ronald A.
  • Johnson, Alan F.
  • Johnson, Elliott
  • Johnson, John F.
  • Johnson, Paul C.
  • Johnson, S. Lewis, Jr.
  • Kelbey, David B.
  • Kerr, Eugene G.
  • Kik, Frank N.
  • Klooster, Fred H.
  • Knevel, Andries
  • Knight, George W., III
  • Krabbendam, Henry
  • Kuhn, Harold B.
  • Kullenz (or perhaps Kulleny), S.
  • Lewis, Gordon R.
  • Lindsell, Harold
  • Lindsley, Arthur
  • Lutzer, Erwin W.
  • MacArthur, John
  • MacRae, Allan A.
  • Marquart, Kurt
  • Mayhue, Richard L.
  • McBride, Betty
  • McCarthy, Daryl E.
  • McDowell, Josh D.
  • McQuilkin, Robertson
  • Mitchell, Daniel R.
  • Moeller, Reinhard
  • Moreland, J. [James] P.
  • Morgan, Brian G.
  • Nicole, Roger
  • Orr, Robert D.
  • Ortlund, Raymond C.
  • Osborne, Grant
  • Packer James I.
  • Palau, Luis
  • Patterson, Paige
  • Payne, Ed [Franklin Ed, Jr.]
  • Pement, Eric N.
  • Phillips, W. Gary
  • Poythress, Vern S.
  • Preus, Robert
  • Radmacher, Earl D.
  • Ramsey, Christopher J.
  • Rawley, Philip E.
  • Reed, Jeff R.
  • Richter, Bryan H.
  • Robinson, Haddon W.
  • Rogers, Adrian
  • Saucy, Robert L.
  • Scaer, David P.
  • Scharfe, Ronald C.
  • Schatz, Frederic R.
  • Shackleford, Karen R.
  • Smith, Morton (? H.)
  • Smith, Robert W.
  • Stevens, Ronnie Collier
  • Sutcliffe, Harry J.
  • Taylor, G. Aiken
  • Udd, Stan
  • Uenuma, Masao
  • Wacker, Frederick G., (? Jr.)
  • Walker, Larry L.
  • Walt, John
  • Walvoord, John F.
  • Weber, S. K.
  • Whitlock, Luder G.
  • Wilkinson, Bruce H.
  • Youngblood, Ronald
  • Zuck, Roy B.

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