Which denomination agrees with our beliefs?


Accepted answer

The Free Methodist denomination agrees with your beliefs on both points.

Women have been ordained, and eligible to lead a congregation, for over a century. In fact my own (southwestern Pennsylvania) congregation was pastored by the Reverend Laura Lamb in 1915-16. Free Methodist pastor B.T. Roberts wrote an entire book (published in 1891) examining the biblical principles involved and concluded there was no barrier to allowing women to be ordained: Ordaining Women.

The denomination also maintains a biblical & traditional view of sexuality (fidelity within marriage, celibacy outside of it, marriage is one man and one woman). Homosexuality is acknowledged as a sin, without 'elevating' it as though it's a worse sin than any other:

Paul makes it clear in the first section of his letter to Rome that behaviors such as gossip, greed and boasting in the same category as h*m*sexual sin. [See] Romans 1, starting at verse 26 [through verse 32].

The above quote comes from this much lengthier article: Sexual Issues: A Pastoral Resource.

There may or may not be a Free Methodist congregation near you (you don't mention where you live), so this may or may not be an option. And also, I'm sure there are other denominations that hold the same principles.

Either way, my own advice -- beyond checking doctrines, which is a good thing to do -- is to seek God's guidance in earnest prayer to find a church that He wants you to attend. 1 Corinthians 12:18 reads, "But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be." Acknowledge and submit to His leading when it comes to the church you choose.

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