St. John Eudes wrote The Admirable Heart of Mary may be of some interest to you. I read this work some 20 years ago and found it very enlightening. You could also read some of his works online: Meditations on Various Subjects by Saint John Eudes here.
The first book which comes in my mind at reading your question is "The Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ" of St. Alphonse de Liguori, that I highly recommand. The thoughts St Alphonse provide really deeps the faith. Furthermore, St Alphonse de Liguori likes to quote St Therese D'Avila, a very great catholic mystic. Meditations are not guided, but the structure of the text is a self-guidance.
For a really guided meditation (step 1, 2, etc.) I obvisously think to "The Imitation of the Christ" (De imitatione Christi) but you need to find one where text structure has been kept (Chapter X - Thinking)