In Canada, is it true that when Mormons first arrived (1887) they weren't allowed to settle within 50km of Lethbridge?


It seems to be somewhat true that there was some hostility to the arrival of Mormons to the city of Lethbridge, Alberta!

Lethbridge became a town on November 29, 1890 and a city on May 6,1906.

"The first permanent LDS residents of Lethbridge were encouraged to settle there by A. C. Magrath, the first mayor of the city." - Land of the Second Chance, page 146.

This however was not always the case.

"Mormons who grew up in Lethbridge, at that time remember that there was some hostility towards them. At one time there was an effort by a women's group to keep Mormons from buying land within ten miles of the city. But this attempt was not successful, and relations began to improve as the townspeople came to know the Mormons." - Land of the Second Chance, page 147.

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