Evidently the New Testament book Revelation has the most Old Testament quotations at 249 followed by Matthew at 96.
Jesus Christ quotes Deuteronomy the most.
The closest answer that I could find regarding quotes is from research using a compilation of Old Testament quotes in the New Testament (in English). This shows Romans (at 48), followed by Hebrews (at 41), and then Matthew at 35.
To state it as percentages, Hebrews would have the highest percentage, as it has only 303 verses. It's at 14%, followed by Romans at 11%, then by Matthew at 3%.
However, there are places where the Old Testament books quote other Old Testament books, and similarly where the New Testament quotes New Testament books.
The New Testament quotes within itself only a couple of times, according to this research by Don Stewart. Peter quotes Paul, and Paul quotes Luke, but these two do not change the rankings of most quotes within a book as provided by the first resource mentioned. Similarly, there are few places where the Old Testament quotes itself, such as Isaiah quoting Deuteronomy, but these smaller numbers are not enough to overcome the higher counts of New Testament books quoting Old Testament books.
Besides these online resources, also check out The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury, Prepared by Jerome H. Smith (Copyright © 2016 by Jerome H. Smith)