It is not always the case with all Kingdom Halls. In fact there are many with windows. About as many as reasons for having no windows. A few common answers are found below:
For security reasons. Normally they do not have a parish residence nearby to keep a watch on their belongings. This is a bigger problem in larger cities.
Cost benefits. Windows are more expensive and time consuming to install. Plus they are not very well insulated raising heating and cooling costs.
Volunteer labor. Kingdom Halls are built by volunteer Jehovah's Witnesses within a 3 day time-span: Friday thru Sunday. As mentioned above, windows are time consuming to install, and with a 3 day limit....
So, many people would answer "To save money", which is kind of a reason behind all the answers.
Thought I might as well just put in an image of a Kingdom Hall with windows (taken from this Wikipedia page):
Exactly this same question has been popping up on social media sites for over a decade. It's an old red herring, and Jehovah's Witnesses must find it tedious and tiresome to refute the idea that most Kingdom Halls don't have windows.
However, since I posted my comment here, nearly three years ago, the question is academic now that Covid-19 has effectively stopped all Kingdom Hall meetings for about two years. Zoom is the main method of Jehovah's Witnesses continuing their meetings. They stay at home, switch on their devices, and sit through their meetings as before, just not together in one hall. As far as I know, they never resumed meeting in their halls, even when Government restrictions were lifted, and, as of January 2022, they are still not using their Kingdom Halls for meetings.
Perhaps that will get questions such as this buried, once and for all.
I've been in many many Kingdom Halls in my time. Many in Ireland, a fair few in the UK, and some in France, one in Switzerland, one in Athens. Also a few in the USA, though I was 12 at the time and can't recall that holiday clearly. To the best of my recollection, every single one of them had windows.