Where can I find a Buddist Monastery that practice hard training?


A lame horse if whipped will not run faster. Based on your approach it may take you a long time to form discipline. In fact what does it have to do with a monastery? If you're having trouble concentrating that could be adult adhd I recommend: 3 months of a basic counseling and/ or medication might help you prepare for religious approach. It's cheaper that a flight and you'll introspective work towards the same goal. In fact you can do both together. You reached a point where your aware of a limitation. This is valuable so don't think nothing isn't progress. As eager student will you not listen to this reasonable advice?


I would encourage you to take a look at mahamevnawa. They have many branches world wide. Below is link to help locate a branch.

enter image description here

If you in the east coast of USA, I may suggest Mahamevnawa Buddhist Meditation Center of New Jersey


Any meditation monastery has sufficient disciple for training. There is no need to think as extreme as you are. Wat Pah Nanachat in Thailand or any branch monastery.


Following are some pointers:

  1. https://www.dhamma.org/en/index
  2. http://www.internationalmeditationcentre.org/global/index.html
  3. http://www.buddhanet.info/wbd/
  4. https://www.paaukforestmonastery.org/
  5. https://forestsangha.org/

With regard to the 1st 2 links, there are 10-day courses. In the case of the 1st link, you can progress to longer courses up to 60 days. 3rd link lists many other monasteries and centres which some may allow you to stay up to a year. 4th links gives meditation centres in the Pa Auk tradition which is the best if you are looking to master Jhana. 5th link gives monasteries in the Thai Forrest tradition.

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