The Proces of arising and passing away


as you meditate, one of knowledge reveals to you is consciousness (vinnana) can only take place in one thing at a time, tho it rises and falls in one of the other 4 skanda very quickly. As you pay attention, when you are aware of a thought (could be anything that is not about 5 sensual pleasures or anger) and dwell in it, (that's a power of nandi) you let go of nundi and consciousness raises back in breathing (form), old thought disappeared. only this much, one recognizes the raise and fall of name-form. What other dharma reveals in the process? you would see the feeling of "self" does not disappear along with disappearing thought. so you know and see for yourself that a thought isn't you. this is first clear vision of anatta or non-self. the ultimate goal is to see of non-self in consciousness. consciousness is the final burden.

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