Is lazyness a killer?


Laziness is a killer.

For example, if seeing a destination on the other side of a road but are too lazy to look down the road for motor cars, this laziness is a killer.

Or if seeing a destination on the other side of a stream but are too lazy to look into the stream for crocodiles, this laziness is a killer.

Similarly, if reading in DN 1 about "here-&-now" but are too lazy to also read the words "existent being" & "self", laziness leads to thinking "here-&-now" is wrong view rather than "extinct being's self in the here-&-now" is wrong view.

Here, there is wrongly believing "Nibbana here-&-now" is wrong view rather than correctly understanding "self attaining Nibbana in the here-&-now" is wrong view.

Therefore, the mind never overcomes self-view, which the Buddha said was the "killer".

Yet although he was a murderer, the householder or householder's son did not know him as 'my murderer.' And when he encountered him in a solitary place and killed him with a sharp knife: wasn't he even then a murderer? And yet although he was a murderer, the householder or householder's son did not know him as 'my murderer.'"

"Yes, my friend."

"In the same way, an uninstructed, run-of-the-mill person β€” who has no regard for noble ones, is not well-versed or disciplined in their Dhamma; who has no regard for men of integrity, is not well-versed or disciplined in their Dhamma β€” assumes form (the body) to be the self, or the self as possessing form, or form as in the self, or the self as in form.

"He assumes feeling to be the self...

"He assumes perception to be the self...

"He assumes (mental) fabrications to be the self...

"He assumes consciousness to be the self, or the self as possessing consciousness, or consciousness as in the self, or the self as in consciousness.

SN 22.85


In Buddhism, this is called Sloth and torpor (Thina Middha). The fifth Mara. It arises as a result of the first four Mara is subdued. Buddha has given many ways to overcome this.



Laziness arises due to lack of true knowledge or false knowledge. False knowledge can also demand mental alertness. Laziness is a definite killer. It destroys mental health necessary for liberation. Laziness encourages ignorance. One should be alert all the time if possible even in dreams. One way to kill Laziness is to realize the true knowledge. A person who knows he is going to drown soon if he doesn't mend his ways will definitely try to save himself and become alert of the direction he is going on. He will mindfully change his direction and put himself on the righteous path of mental alertness.


Once the Exalted One spoke to the Venerable Maha-Moggallana thus: "Are you drowsy, Moggallana? Are you drowsy, Moggallana?" β€” "Yes, venerable sir."

(1) "Well then, Moggallana, at whatever thought torpor has befallen you, to that thought you should not give attention, you should not dwell on it frequently. Then it is possible that, by so doing, torpor will disappear......................


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