Good pair of earmuffs for meditation


Update: I purchased Clear Armor 34db Highest NRR professional earmuffs online and have been happy with them. They block noise very well but it took me a little bit to get used to them comfort-wise for long periods. I can definitely sit for an hour without any serious discomfort.


I don't find earmuffs or ear plugs effective enough for blocking sounds so I use earphones and white noise. I'm not pushing these particularly but this is what I use for blocking noise while mediating. I've bought these Sennheiser ear canal head phones and I play white noise through them via this android app. That pretty much blocks all sound out and I don't find the white noise distracting during meditation. The ear phones also have the advantage of being comfortable enough to sleep in so if you suffer from insomnia or snoring bedfellows then it can be a godsend.

It's not the cheapest solution but it does work for me. There are cheaper in ear head phone such as these but i don't find these as comfortable to sleep in but they do work fine for meditation so that would cheapen this up. Also there is a free version of the white noise app which would make it even less expensive but I'm a believer in paying for software if I like it even if the free version is almost as good (which it is). I don't know versions for other phones but there are also white noise cds as well if you don't have access to a smart phone.

Hope that helps

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