Gratitude, right view, is actually the base for the prosperity and longlast of a community, from the Buddha's teachings, instructed might know Sangha-Vatthu:
Generosity (giving into first), kind words (bearable word, swollow-able), beneficial help (not necessary desired), & consistency in the face of events (not bending to daily moods, trends), in line with what's appropriate in each case, each case.
Conduct, Silas, perfoming ones duties, is the place of individual contribution to a community, something actually not voluntary if part and consuming on it, as well to contribute in regard of giving to maintain. Something that contradicts modern, marxist, liberal ideas, which are cheating people for short and quick gain, grow and painful decay as result.
There is also a useful collection of parameters to be observed and possible readjusted, from the collection of last words by the Buddha:
And in regard of poorness or wealth of communities:
"In every case where a family cannot hold onto its great wealth for long, it is for one or another of these four reasons. Which four? They don't look for things that are lost. They don't repair things that have gotten old. They are immoderate in consuming food and drink. They place a woman or man of no virtue or principles in the position of authority. In every case where a family cannot hold onto its great wealth for long, it is for one or another of these four reasons.
"In every case where a family can hold onto its great wealth for long, it is for one or another of these four reasons. Which four? They look for things that are lost. They repair things that have gotten old. They are moderate in consuming food and drink. They place a virtuous, principled woman or man in the position of authority. In every case where a family can hold onto its great wealth for long, it is for one or another of these four reasons."
[Note that this isn't given for stacks, exchanges, world-binding trades and entertaining but for access a bond that leads to escape from this wheel]