What is the cause of imaginary dialogues in mind?


The way I understand it is called Vitakka and Vicara. Vitakka and Vicara stop at first Jhana.


You have asked what is the 'cause' of vitakka and vicara (the inner dialog). The idea of 'cause' should be let go* and the idea of 'association' should be substituted.

Vitakka and vicara arise as a consequence of contact with named-forms + consciousness.

Things are all named-forms + consciousness. When attention is brought to a thing three things arise in association: the form of the thing and its identification (name) and awareness thereof.

A string of such perceptions of named-form + consciousness constitutes a thought. Thoughts arise to one; are not generated within.

Those thoughts become the subject of attention and consideration and inquiry and reasoning and analysis; that is vicara; 'pondering'.

The first (vitakka) should be observed as coming from without in order to evaluate it objectively and/or pass it along to vicara or let it go.

Vicara will stop when one has observed the external nature of vitakka and has let it go.

Today the term 'cause' is used way too carelessly. Cause is a mystery. We cannot 'see' cause. What we can see is association. WHEN this arises, THAT arises; not WHEN this arises, this is the CAUSE.


It's about the first Governor arguing with the defilement or vici versa. Nothing wrong and very needed till the final abounding of even this relation. Just don't mix them, since the defilement are smart in tricking.

[Note that this isn't given for stacks, exchange, trade or what ever keeps one bond in the wheel]

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