How many different techniques of meditation did Buddha teach?


Anapana, Vipassana, 32 body parts meditation, Metta Bhavana,

I am looking for a list of meditations for my research purpose.

They're parts of what's called the Kammatthana, the Forty objects of meditation as classified in the Visuddhimagga. The wiki page also gives a pretty good summary about them.


The Buddha described practice in several different ways. For example:

The phrase "practice like this" occurs in at least 26 suttas: sn54.10 sn54.1 sn54.13 an10.29 sn54.9 sn54.8 sn54.7 sn54.6 sn54.5 sn54.4 sn54.3 sn54.20 an3.60

The phrase "practice the meditation" occurs in at least 2 suttas: MN151 MN121

The phrase "practicing the right way" occurs in at least 1 sutta: MN139

The phrase "here we will" occurs in at least 1 sutta: MN8

The phrase "immersion that does not lean forward" occurs in at least 1 sutta: AN9.37

The phrase "with teeth clenched" occurs in at least 4 suttas: MN20 MN100 MN36 MN85

There are no doubt many find them please read the suttas. That is what researchers themselves do.

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