The Buddha did not teaching any breathing technique.
In Buddhism, the mind is made empty of craving. When the mind is empty of craving, the breathing becomes the natural automatic object of consciousness.
Breathing techniques is Hinduism rather than Buddhism.
You should do a goenka retreat goenka is powerful and it's donation based I know it's powerful because a women did suicide because of going there becoming the only meditation retreat that did irreversible damage like that so be careful and 1,2 millions people did goenka 10 days retreat till now it's the most popular meditation retreat and the most powerful it exists in 90+ countries many people did have a good experience there you can just google them
It teachs breathing technique and body scan method I recommend you to download their app and play the mini anapana/breathing guided meditation -> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vipassanameditation just follow the audio instructions there, you can also search and apply the nearest 10 day meditation retreat using the app
But for a breathing theory you can read https://www.dhammatalks.org/books/WithEachAndEveryBreath/Section0007.html this thanissaro bhikku is the one who translated suttas from pali to english you can call him the modern buddha if you want because he knows nearly the entire suttas so you don't need to read that thousands suttas to only understand buddha's meditation/right concentration
Where to begin and how to start...
For the sake of being concise, you already are on the path because you're kicking brother. Have you heard of the butterfly effect? Your actions, intentions and responses reflect the dynamic of the environment around you (family, work, etc) and so on and so forth. That's the beginning to the whole 'spiritual stuff'.
Some breathing techniques that I have found useful (not only buddhist):
Cultivate in Harmony