Should a bikkhu avoid eating sashimi?


Accepted answer

In this commentary on the Vinaya, on page 308, it says,

Raw flesh and blood are allowed at Mv.VI.10.2 only when one is possessed by non-human beings. Thus, in more ordinary circumstances, one may not eat raw fish or meat even if of an allowable kind. This would include such things as steak tartare, sashimi, oysters on the half-shell, raw eggs, and caviar. Furthermore, even cooked fish or meat of an allowable kind is unallowable if the bhikkhu sees, hears, or suspects that the animal was killed specifically for the purpose of feeding bhikkhus (Mv.VI.31.14)


In a word, yes. Bhikkhus and bhikkhunis are forbidden from accepting raw meat or live animals. They are also forbidden from consuming fish or flesh that they suspect, heard or seen has been slaughtered for their personal consumption.

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