What's the difference between Samma Sambuddho and Buddho


Accepted answer

According to the Visuddhimagga in its description of the contemplation of the attributes of the Buddha:

Vism. XII

  1. He is fully enlightened (sammásambuddha) because he has discovered (buddha) all things rightly (sammá) and by himself (sámaí).


  1. He is enlightened (buddha) with the knowledge that belongs to the fruit of liberation, since everything that can be known has been discovered (buddha) by him.

So the tittle Samasambuddho refers specifically to the Buddha's attainment as the result of self effort, and the title Buddho refers to the attainment itself.

Also, the term Buddho refers to any being that has seen the truth, so a Paccekabuddha is one who attains enlightenment on their own but doesn't teach, and if I'm not too mistaken an Arahat can technically be called an Anubuddha, meaning one who attains enlightnenment through following the teaching of a Sammasambuddha.


According to Theravada tradition, there are 2 types of Buddhas.

1- Samma Sambuddha (full enlighted Buddha), is the type of Buddha that teaches the Dhamma, they are very rare, previous one was the Buddha Kassapa, current one is Shakyamuni Buddha (also known as Gotama Buddha) and the next one will be Maytrea Buddha.

2- Paccekabuddha or private Buddhas, 99% of Buddhas are private Buddhas, they attained enlightment, but not in a degree that they can teach the Dhamma, teaching the Dhamma requires a very special development of the mind.

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