Question about UK General Visitor Visa


Yes, you can travel from the US to India and stop for a visit in the UK. The question is which type of visa will you need...

What they are trying to say is that if you are visiting the UK enroute to a 3rd country and your length of time in the UK is 48 hours or less then you should be using a transit visa and not a general visitor visa.

Based upon what you wrote, you will be enroute to a 3rd country (India), but you will be staying 72 - 96 hours. That length of time exceeds what can be granted by a transit visa, so you will need a General Visitor visa.

Note that in about 4 weeks time the UK General Visitor visa will be abolished and replaced with the UK Visitor (standard) visa. This is in concert with a new set of visitor rules. If you are applying after 6 April, it's advisable to read the new rules. They will be posted on the same site given in your link in about 2 or 3 weeks time.

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