UK General Visitor Visa - Evidence to be provided regarding my last trip to Europe


Decision-makers at the British consulate are smart enough to know about how the Schengen zone works and understand that there may be evidential shortfalls for inter-zone travel.

The way to declare this type of journey into the Schengen zone is to gang it up, here's an example...

enter image description here

...and in the free-form section, you can make an entry like...

enter image description here

...that's all they need in order to tie out your declarations to your passport stamps. If you think your family connections in Germany are material you can list those in the same section.

Can I use hotel bills, Boarding Pass, and purchase bills that I still have from my German trip as evidence to support application?

Nothing stops you, but that sort of evidence isn't generally fungible and is seen as a lot weaker evidence than passport stamps and bank statements showing withdrawals commensurate with your trip expenses.

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