Fake documents to obtain Shenzhen Visit visa


Just from the top of mind:

You could be refused a visa. You could be banned from that country. You could be refused visas and banned from other countries. You could be arrested in your country and go to prison.


When the country you are applying to finds that the documents are fake, following things can happen.

  • Visa application will be rejected for sure.
  • You will be likeley banned for life or for a long period of time.
  • You will have to declare this visa rejection for any similar countries, on which they won't be giving visas.
  • You can be refereed to local law enforcement. According to Section 464 of IPC, you will be charged a criminal case.

Any number of things can happen. So, please don't do that. If you think you cannot get visa in current circumstances, get an expert in immigration law for advice.

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