What’s the cost of Road tolls Calais to Copenhagenby car?


Accepted answer

This depends obviously on your route. You should be ok in France, Netherlands and Germany.

In Denmark you need to get to Zealand, which is an island. You can take either the Puttgarden/Rodby ferry from Germany or go the long way around over the Storebælt bridge. The bridge is cheaper but also a considerable detour.

Cost depends on vehicle and number of passengers. You can look it up at https://www.storebaelt.dk/english/toll-charges and https://www.directferries.com/puttgarden_rodby_ferry.htm?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&dfgeoo=true&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_f3T6_Gv4wIVjZ-fCh39AgJWEAAYASAAEgKUUPD_BwE

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