What is the duty-free allowance limit when purchasing electronics in Hong Kong?


Accepted answer

There is no limit on buying duty free items, but there are limits on how much you can bring in duty free when you come home to the UK. As far as Hong Kong is concerned you can buy as much as you please.

The limits on importing items into the UK will be per person, so you and your girlfriend each get an allotted amount and if you exceed that amount then duties are levied (you need to check with UK Customs on percentages).

The issue that you might encounter is taking those brand new electronics to the various countries you plan to visit. If you plan to use them personally and unbox them, likely they will be passed through as personal possessions without worry. But if you plan to take them home unopened (such as a gift for someone back home), then customs inspectors in the individual countries might want some proof that you are re-exporting them rather than selling them (especially since import taxes on new iPhones and such are quite high in SE Asian countries, there have been recent arrests in Thailand of people bringing in new iPhone6 which haven't been released in Thailand officially yet)

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