Travel agents adding fees on after a quote


Is there anything I can do ?

I would ...

Collect evidence. Write down exactly each occasion when I contacted them (phone email etc), the date and time, who I spoke to and what I said and what they said. Be factual and brief - leave aside my feelings, dont include my interpretation, dont comment on the facts.

Think carefully about what I want out of this - a refund? Don't overcomplicate.

Write to the agent by recorded delivery, keeping a copy of the letter. The letter would set out the facts in a few lines and state what I want them to do and when I want it done (e.g. refund specified amount by specified date 2 weeks away). List what I intend to do if they do not respond or if their response is unsatisfactory:

  • Go to your local Citizen's Advice Bureau.
  • Raise a complaint with ABTA.
  • File a case with your local small-claims court (no solicitor needed).
  • Contact your MP (name?).
  • Contact your local newspaper (name?).

I would make the letter factual, calm and avoid threatening or insulting language.


Is there anything I can do ?

  1. Leave negative reviews on sites like tripadvisor, trustpilot, etc
  2. Next time do your homework and read the reviews that other people have written
  3. If any possible book flights directly with the airlines to avoid "finger pointing" when something goes wrong (cancellations, changes, rebooking, seats, meals, etc.)

These days you can easily book everything online yourself. A travel agent often just adds cost and complexity, so I would only use one if I have travel needs that require extra skills.

Sorry, I think the best you can do here is to treat it as a learning experience for your next trip.

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