Searching all scheduled commercial flights


Accepted answer

Yes, there are ways of doing this, but it's highly unlikely that you're going to find them available to the general public for free.

All scheduled airline operations live in the OAG, which used to publish a yearly paper guide which anyone could purchase and look up schedules. Now that information lives online and one can buy a subscription and get access to the data (here, if anyone is curious:

There are numerous other companies which buy that data from OAG and republish it in various formats with various filters and layers (DIIO by Cirium is a popular one in the industry). Many of these can also be purchased (usually on a subscription basis) by interested individuals. I can't state definitively that you won't find this information for free online somewhere, but I don't find it likely, given the cost to the original purchaser.


Not really an answer but too long for a comment:

At the moment me writing this, there are 11,540 commercial flights in the air. The average is around 115,000 flights per day. The exact timetable changes substantially day to day (but less so from week to week), so the amount of data required to cover, say, an entire year would very large.

What problem are you trying to solve exactly would you be doing with this massive amount of data?

There are probably commercial interfaces/databases available that OTA and search sires use, but these will cost you a pretty penny and it's also not clear whether that would address your needs.

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