What is the point of travelling?


Arguably, yes - Science proves that travel is the secret to happiness.

A recent study at Cornell University found that spending money on experiences is more likely to bring you lasting happiness than spending money on material objects.

Therefore, instead of spending money on assets to make you happier (tv, clothes, fancy car), you can spend it on experiences such as travel to enrich your live and make you happier.

Secondly, Planning A Holiday Will Make You Happier According To Science.

A Dutch study from Breda University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands looked at the link between holidays and happiness by surveying 1530 adults, 974 of whom had been on a trip during the research period.

And they found that people were happiest while anticipating the holiday, not during it!

They suggested that instead of going on one big trip a year, you might be able to boost your happiness levels with a series of short trips spaced a few months apart.

Basically, this gives you reason to dream about and plan travel all day long. It’s good for you. :D

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