U.S. to U.K. visa application


Accepted answer

Yes, you should have no trouble applying for a UK visa from the US. I have done this a number of times and I am in the same situation as you are - foreign national in the USA on a work visa.

You'll have to complete the online application forms on the UK Visas & Immigration web site and then send your passport to the UK consulate nearest to you. You will probably also have to visit a location where your biometric information will be recorded (fingerprints, photo, etc) and there are many of these offices in major cities across the USA.
Assuming your application is successful you'll receive it back in a few weeks with a visa.

I imagine the process for the Netherlands is pretty much the same, but not something I have personal experience with.

Remember that you'll have to allow for processing time for both visas - probably at least 2 months (maybe more) as you'll be sending your passport off for one visa, waiting for it to return, then sending it off for the other one.
I would avoid making any firm travel plans until the visa processes are all complete.

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