Canadian places identification


Number 3 Looks like Morant's Curve near Lake Louise. See for a classic painting of this scene, and for directions to the site.

Number 4 is Pyramid Lake, 52.924229, -118.096711. It is just north of Jasper, AB. for a winter version of the footbridge to the island.

Number 5 is very hard to find as the background has been obscured by the sun. It looks like anywhere/everywhere along the Banff/Jasper Bow River or Athabasca River corridor. I would need either a mountain or man-made structure to positively identify it. This guess is based on the colour, water's edge, path, and general vegetation. The Bow River itself can get that high on the bank but it is usually brown and very fast running then with spring run off when it is. The smaller lakes often have a more green tint then the larger lakes and water here looks blue and most lakes are too small to have the wave that is visible in the photo.

I don't have the reputation to add the photos and I had to make a new account to edit this answer.

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