Applying for a visa requiring a US record clearance letter: is it faster to get it from the California DOJ (Department of Justice) or the FBI?


Accepted answer

In my impoverishing experience, getting a criminal record clearance letter from the FBI is much faster than the California DoJ but is more expensive (tested in Feb. 2021, using the "live scan fingerprinting" services in San Jose, California):

  • California DoJ (Department of Justice): 10 days to receive their letter (including 3 non-working days). The fingerprint operator did send my request the same day, and I could see that my request was processed on the same day, which one can check on (the ATI is written down by the fingerprint operator on the "BCIA 8016VISA request for life scan service" form that you had completed prior to the fingerprinting). No email was sent. 48 USD. I used find the fingerprint agent.
  • FBI: 2 days to receive their letter (including 0 non-working days, and using the standard mail default option, i.e. I didn't pay extra for expedited shipping), and I received a copy of it by email 30 minutes after fingerprinting. 130 USD. I used to find the live scan fingerprint operator.

Also, beware that if some embassy is asking for a criminal record clearance letter from "a state", they might mean State Department (a.k.a. United States Department of State) and not your state DoJ. That's what happened in my case, and the embassy didn't bother to correct their website.

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