Will a previous visa rejection affect my Canadian visa application?


Numerous factors are weighed in the visa decision making process, and no one can predict the outcome of a visa application to Canada.

Some of your circumstances are not particularly favorable, that you are a student and may not have sufficient financial resources or home ties; travel history and university enrollment may be positives.

A friend’s sponsorship, if it is financial, may not improve the picture a great deal; a invitation offering to accommodate and feed you might be useful.

Your application to Canada will have to include information about the Australia refusals. If your situation has not improved, the Canadian process, while not based on those failed applications, may have a similar result.

To identify what steps to take, use the Come to Canada tool. It will let you know what you would be expected to provide to support an application.

Although not about Canada, have a read of these similar questions and answers on home ties and sponsorship:

How to prove that you have significant ties with family in your home country?

What should a sponsor tell the ECO?

How can I document my relation to a friend for the purposes of Schengen visa

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