Is an in-progress visa application a problem for getting a visa waiver?


Accepted answer

I suspect either you or your friend is a little confused.

The only way to apply for a US visa is in person at a US consulate (technically there are a few other ways, but they almost certainly aren't relevant here). In most cases, once you apply, the visa will be approved on the spot, and your passport/visa returned within a few days.

Based on your comments, I suspect that your friend has not actually applied for a visa. They may have started the process (filling in some of the required forms, or booking an appointment for the in-person interview), but they almost certainly haven't "applied" for the visa.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with them abandoning wherever they are up to in the process and applying for an ESTA. If they have paid any money (normally required before making an appointment) then they will not be able to get a refund, but other than that there are no negative side effects of doing this.

(Note that I'm presuming that your friend hasn't applied for a visa, been found ineligible to receive one, and is currently in the 'waiver of ineligibility' process. If that's what as actually happened, then they will NOT be allowed enter the US under the Visa Waiver Program on the grounds that they have explicitly been found ineligible to enter the US via any means!)

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