Schengen and Canada - Order of obtaining Visas


Accepted answer

If you have your passport, you can apply for the Schengen visa at any time in the three months leading up to your travel. But the application will be stronger if you wait until you have the study visa.

If you apply before you have the study visa, you'll need to convince the consulate that you don't have a plan B of "go to Paris, stay there illegally and look for work".

Perhaps, depending on your personal circumstances, it will be easy for you to convince them of that. (If you're in a position to drop $40,000 for a three month course of study, then it's probably not an attractive prospect for you to be an undocumented immigrant worker in Europe anyway). Or it is possible that your circumstances look so dodgy that you can't get a Schengen visa no matter what. Between those two extremes is a gray area were it can be advantageous for you to wait.

It is practically impossible to say with any certainty whether your circumstances fall into that gray area based on explanations on a site such as this. So it's a decision you need to make yourself. In general the advice would be to wait if you have time for it -- but on the other hand, the longer you wait, the more expensive it might be to change your flight bookings if you get refused by the French consulate.

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