Reapplying for Australian tourist visa with my successful US visas?


You have not provided enough information that would convince the Australian government that you intent to leave the country after before your visa is to expire.

They're not going to look at other countries letting you in, their standards may be lower. Had you had previous visa for Australia and you didn't violate those, those would have been taken into account but those apparently don't exist.

So you have to be a lot more convincing that you actually plan to return to Jordan before the Australian visa you're applying for it to expire. Apparently the officer does not think your current job and family situation, and/or your financial situation, give you enough incentive to leave Australia when needed. That could for example be because you're single and only holding a low paying job or no job at all.

It's pretty hard to change those things of course. An immigration lawyer might be able to help you reword your application to improve your chances, but of course at a cost and with no guarantee it will work.

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