Invitation letter for Romanian tourist visa for Indian citizens with valid USA visa


I'm not sure if you have found an answer to your question. I traveled to Romania this April/May. You either have to get a Romanian visa which is painful or have a multiple entry Schengen visa. The latter is easier. To my knowledge having a US visa is irrelevant. It doesn't allow you entry into Romania.


First of all, I think the person you are speaking to is a bit lost, as the list you opened is:

List of third states the citizens whose nationals, holders of diplomatic, service/official and special passports are exempt from the visa requirement in order to enter Romania


People with visas from these countries are exempt from an invitation

On the The list of countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when traveling to Romania list, India is listed with The states whose nationals must be in possession of an invitation endorsed by the Inspectorate General for Immigration from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that they must submit when applying for a short-stay visa.

You will need an invitation.

Alternative options:

You are a family member of a Romanian citizen

You hold a residence permit issued by the UK or Ireland

Family members of a citizen of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, or of the Swiss Confederation

View this website for more information and alternatives.

Another source, while unofficial, that you need an invitation is here.

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