After checking in luggage for upcoming American flight, can I get between Terminal 7 and Terminal 8 at JFK


There are two different cases:

a) the Alaska Airline lounge is landside, meaning you won't have to go through security to access it

b) the Alaska Airline lounge is airside, meaning you will have to go through security to access it

In case a), it is pretty simple; you check in in Terminal 7, then take the AirTrain to Terminal 8, enjoy the Lounge, get back to Terminal 7, through security and on you go.

In case b), you would do similarly, but have to go through security in Terminal 8. Assuming that you do have some credentials for accessing the Alaska Airline lounge, you would have to present them. If it makes you feel better, you might drop by at the Alaska Airline counter and get some kind of additional confirmation that you are entitled to go to the lounge.

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