What countries Indian passport holders can travel without a visa


There is a wikipedia page for visa requirements for any citizenship. For the official countries, you can go to :

Bhutan Dominica Ecuador El Salvador Fiji Grenada Haiti Indonesia Jamaica Mauritius Micronesia Nepal Saint Kitts and Nevis Senegal Trinidad and Tobago Vanuatu

There is many exceptions though (e-visas, visa on arrival, organized trips) that make it possible to go to other countries without a visa. All is explained in the wikipedia page (to be sure also check the sources for each information).


Any list of visa requirements for citizens of a given country is of limited value to someone who is actually planning to travel. Countries change these requirements from time to time, so whenever anyone travels they should confirm visa requirements with the authorities of each country they plan to visit.

Editable lists, such as those on Wikipedia, are more likely to be accurate, but even so, anyone who relies on such a list is at the mercy of strangers. After any such change, the list will probably be brought up to date eventually, but someone investing in an international trip probably wants more certainty than "probably" and "eventually."


As mentioned in phoog's answer, the ultimate authoritative answer for such matters is always the destination country's official government publications.

Wikipedia has a list of visa requirements for each country for Indian passport holders. Here's the list current Jan 2016, not including visa on arrival and eVisas, and excluding the host of other small territories such as RΓ©union or Montserrat that don't require visas.

  • Bhutan
  • Dominica (6 months)
  • Ecuador (90 days)
  • El Salvador (90 days)
  • Fiji (4 months)
  • Grenada (3 months)
  • Haiti (3 months)
  • Indonesia (30 days)
  • Jamaica
  • Mauritius (90 days)
  • Micronesia (30 days)
  • Nepal
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis (3 months)
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1 month)
  • Senegal (90 days)
  • Trinidad (90 days)
  • Vanuatu (30 days)

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