Checking baggage through to final destination, Canada to US?


Accepted answer

In my experience, and I've only done this two times, it is not necessary to claim your bags and recheck them when connecting to a precleared flight to the US from Canada. Apparently, if US customs officers want to search your checked bags they will put them and you together in a room for that purpose, but otherwise you will not see your checked bags until you get to your final destination in the US.


The reason you were told so because they are not up to date. The situation has very recently improved (last month, if I am not mistaken) and your bags now through check. Even if they don't you won't hug them for five hours, the traditional flow is deplane - collect bags -- go through US customs -- drop them off at the belts just after. But, again, I believe this is now past and your bags travel all the way. Air Canada was the first but now I think WS-DL is doing it too.

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