Does my daughter need permission to travel without me?


It will depend on her age, and where she is travelling. I assume that she is still a child, but if she has reached the age of majority for the UK and for the country where she is traveling, then she will be treated as an adult and can travel freely.

Typically, a child needs the written permission of both parents to travel abroad (or from one parent, if the other is present), and usually this permission should be notarized to give greater assurance of its accuracy. I also recommend that you provide contact information for the parent(s) in question so that the customs and immigration officer at the destination country can verify the permission if needed.

Do not be surprised if an immigration officer wishes to interview the child alone for a few minutes; this is sometimes done to check with the child to ensure that the child is not being removed against a parent's will.

User Giorgio also commented (very appropriately) that the UK has special standards for minors entering the country: "Home Address" in the UK. His post at that link is well worth reading.

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