Transfer from Palma PMI to Port der Pollenca


Accepted answer

Rome2Rio shows a bus option, first one which takes you from the airport to Alcúdia, where you catch the TIB linea 352 bus to Port de Pollença; the trip takes less than 2 hours.

A taxi for the 67km drive run between €70- 90 and several are listed: Taxis Palma Radio SGL +34 971 70 24 24 and Mallorca Taxi +34 607 26 62 55


I just returned from Mallorca a week ago.

From the Airport, take the #1 bus to the Estacion Intermodal at the Plasa de Espanya. That should cost €5,00 per person, and takes about 30 minutes.

Inside the Station find the bus #340 to Pollenca.
I believe it cost €5,00 each, and took one hour, with about 4 or 5 quick stops along the way.

Here's the matching Google Directions.

A taxi would cost you MUCH MUCH more, and barely be any faster at all.

The transportation website is very good, and supports multiple languages.

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