Transfer in Amsterdam International Airport


At Amsterdam airport you will deplane into the airside part of the airport. You will not need to re-clear security and (absent unusual circumstances) there is no passport check except at the gate by airline staff. You can simply walk to your next gate. The airport does not have separate "terminals" exactly but there are "piers" between which you can walk. In any event you will arrive into pier D and depart from pier F or possibly pier E. It is a ten minute walk that is clearly signed.

Assuming you booked your flights all at the same time in one transaction (as they say "on one ticket"), your bag will be transferred automatically to your Mexico City flight. (As you state that your flight from Manchester to Amsterdam has been bought with the AM6555 flight number, this must be one ticket at least as far as Mexico.)

In Mexico City, all AM flights arrive and depart at terminal 2. You will go through a passport check with all other international passengers. You will need to collect your luggage for a customs inspection. Immediately after this, there is a special place to drop your luggage so that it can be forwarded to your domestic flight. If you cannot find this, just take your bag to the domestic check in desks.

If you already have a boarding card and you dropped your bag, you can go directly to the domestic departure lounge. Otherwise, go to a check in desk. There is a light security check for domestic passengers and then you will fly over to Guadalajara. On arrival you can claim your luggage and exit the airport directly.

The return journey is similar except that your bag will be transferred automatically all the way, but you will have to re-clear security at both MEX and AMS.

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