Sweets as gifts in lands untouched by modern dentistry


The places where children have easy access to dentists and toothbrushes are generally the places where children have easy access to candy and don't need or particularly want any from you. If you came to Canada to see Niagara Falls or the Rocky Mountains and were handing candy to any Canadian children you saw, people wouldn't think you were being at all normal. Ditto England, New Zealand, etc.

If you think of the place you're going as a place that needs your donations, consider this advice from Pack For a Purpose:

Candy and balloons are not on the needs list as they are harmful for the children and the environment for the following reasons:

  • Few of the children benefiting from these projects have access to toothpaste, toothbrushes, or a dentist. The candy promotes cavities.
  • The balloons once they become deflated are a choking hazard for local wildlife.

Instead of bringing candy or balloons, use that space for additional requested supplies, as they are priceless.

I'm bringing school supplies to Vanuatu and also two dozen pencils with Canadian flags on them to give to random people who are nice to us as a thankyou. (Hotel staff, cab drivers, air crew etc.)

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