In Montreal for two weeks- possible/recommended to get Bixi membership?


Accepted answer

1) You can have them mailed to someone else's address, maybe where you're staying or if you know anyone in town. There's also a cosubscriber option you can benefit from if you know someone in town who has one. You can also not subscribe and pay per ride, you don't need keys in that case.

2) If you only need 2 weeks' worth of biking, you might want to look at pay per use, it depends on how often you'll need it so I can't say if you're better off. Be aware though that Quebec City has its own network, and that even if you're subscribed to the monthly plan you still pay extra if the ride exceeds 45min (reference), which makes taking the bike out of town a pretty bad idea.

3) Highly subjective, but keep in mind they were designed as a quick way to go from A to B, not as a way to stroll around town. They're pretty heavy to deter theft too. The system is pretty reliable though, there's stations all over town and defective bikes are usually replaced quickly. In my own experience I can say some stations more uphill tend to be emptier because people usually leave them downtown instead

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