According to the YHA Australia website you simply have to choose the Concession rate when booking the ticket online:
All YHA members get 10% or more off on Greyhound passes and up to 10% off on point to point express tickets. When selecting passengers, choose "Concession" to receive your discount. Present membership card and photo ID at time of travel.
When you book the ticket you can choose the passenger type (standard is ADULT) and that's where you can change to concession.
To get the discount, as Drat (above) said, you just show them the card at boarding. However, it's pretty common for places like Greyhound to not check the discount despite them saying that they will check at concession.
Specifically for the ISIC discount...(From
I bought five separate STA tickets over the course of 2010 to 2012 without an ISIC card. I only got asked for the card maybe once, from Air Canada, I believe it was. My response? I pretended I forgot it at home and asked if I could show my student card instead. The check-in agent waved me through.
Hopefully this helped! :)