Canadian Citizen living overseas with Canadian passport renewal declined - wants to go home to visit family on valid NZ passport


You will not be able to fly back directly to Canada. This Govt of Canada page addresses the issue:

Why you must travel with a valid Canadian passport

Starting November 10, 2016, a new Government of Canada electronic system will verify that all passengers have an appropriate travel document before they can board a flight to Canada. This process will happen automatically when your travel document is scanned during check-in for your flight.

This change is part of a broader Government of Canada initiative aimed at ensuring that all Canada-bound passengers have appropriate travel documents to enter the country before they board their flight.

For Canadian citizens, including dual Canadian citizens, you must present an acceptable travel document that shows that you are a Canadian. This means you need a valid Canadian passport (or a Canadian temporary passport, or a Canadian emergency travel document) to allow airline check-in staff and border officials to confirm that you are Canadian.

A valid Canadian passport is the only reliable and universally accepted travel document that provides proof that you are a citizen and have the right to enter Canada without being subjected to immigration screening. Make sure that the expiry date of the passport is well beyond your planned return date.

Thus, it appears that you won't be able to board a Canada-bound airplane unless you proffer one of the documents shown in the third paragraph.


According to the current requirements, you will need a Canadian passport to fly into Canada. So, you can still work around the requirements and fly into the US (like Seattle, Chicago, Buffalo, whatever works for you) and drive to Canada. There is not a requirement to use your Canadian passport when driving across the border, you can use your NZ passport for that.

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