3 or 4 days transport card in Paris including airport?
Your options are:
Point-to-point tickets. For transportation inside the Paris city limits (where most tourist attractions are, but not the airports, Versailles or Disneyland), buy 10 tickets t+ for €14.90. From Roissy CDG airport, a train ticket (cheapest reasonable option) costs €10.30. To visit Versailles, 2 tickets (there and back) cost €7.30. Children under 10 pay half price, children under 4 travel free.
Day pass (Mobilis). The cost is €7.50 inside Paris, €12.40 valid to Versailles, €17.80 valid to Roissy CDG airport. It's rarely worth it.
There's also a much cheaper youth day pass if you're under 26, valid only on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. It doesn't cover the main airport links (but allows the local buses that go through the airport, if you're ok with a slow trip on buses which don't have much space for luggage).
Weekly pass for €27.90 (valid for the whole region, including a one-time €5 fee to get the pass itself). These are priced for commuters so they're a lot cheaper, but a week runs from Monday to Sunday, and you can only buy one for the current week until Thursday night.
Paris Visite. It's usually more expensive than other options (53.75€ for 3 days, 65.80€).
So in your case, point-to-point tickets are likely the cheapest option.