Continuous travel medical insurance (not just annual)


I doubt that you will find such travel insurnace, the longest I've been able to find is 18 months.

Consider this from the insurance company's point of view:

  • Over a long term the risk profile for an individual traveller will change, not least because they will get older, but also people suffer health events
  • The company's evaluation of risks generally will change
  • The regulatory environment will change, legal liabilities may change

The annual renewal gives an opportunity to reassess the risk and set a new premium or decline the business. The individual needs to declare any change in their risk profile and the insurance company has the opportunity to decline the business.

From the individual's point of view it's also a chance to reassess the market, there may be better options on the market.

I don't think it's that big a deal to renew one's policy each year. My insurance renews each year, I receive notification of the renewal with a reminder of the obligation to tell the insurer of any changes in my medical condition. If I take no action my insurance renews.


There are a few companies that sell coverage that would likely meet your requirements, but it's generally not cheap. In general these are marketed as "Expat" insurance, but depending on the policy they generally coverage most things (if not everything) that travel insurance would. If you Google that term you'll find numerous companies that offer such policies.

The one I've come across most - and was actually coverage by for a few years - is from Cigna. I can't recommend them as such given that the policy was provided by my employer and I never had the need to make a claim, so I don't really know if they were any good or not, but they are definitely one of the better known names in this space.

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